Monday, 30 May 2016

Colour me bRight

It is the year MSCHJ-876 (Modernised-Scientific-Calendar-of-Hubris-Jaeger 876): 876 years after the outbreak of the manmade super-virus KJW1B1x created during the Scientific Boom in what later became known as the Virus War. First produced by the Unified Kingdom of Korea (UKK) under the rule of Kim Jong Un-8653 in defiance to the Anti-Biochemical Warfare Code and further enhanced by the combined efforts of the United State of the New Soviet Union (USNSU) and the Republic Frontier Kingdom (RFK) – once known as Africa.

KJU1B1x was radioactively enhanced and was soon resistant to all known anti-viral drugs. In an effort to keep the KJU1B1x super-virus contained, The New Republic of Singapore (TNRS) and the European Domain (ED) organised a stealth mission to remove the super-virus from the RFK, only to have it get released by the RFK in retaliation.

KJU1B1x was immediately contained in RFK by sinking the continent into the sea. The various governments enforced strict travel bans and shut down all borders within their country lines in an effort to prevent the spread of KJU1B1x.

Even after the drastic measures that were undertaken to keep KJU1B1x contained, it took 6 years for the first symptoms to finally appear.

It was barely noticeable at first: children born after the virus was released, started to lose their sight early into life. It started out with cataract-like formations over the irises – these were able to be surgically removed -, followed by irreversible ulceration of the cornea and clouding of the pupils. The population born after the outbreak were slowly going blind with the newer generations losing the ability to see immediately after birth.

As the years went by, the older generation were left to wither and die away without being able to explain to their off-springs what Seeing was. They could not explain the rising of the sun nor the crashing of the waves. They could not describe the green grass or the yellow of the stars.

How do you explain to someone, things they have never seen nor ever will see?

And in MSCHJ-76x1225, the very last of the Seeing People died leaving behind a world of darkness.